
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, we embrace the value of transparency and preserving donor trust. We’re committed to being good stewards and ensuring donor security in giving.

*Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. It is important to always contact your financial advisor for the latest rules and regulations.

Strategic Planning

Our strategic plan was developed by the Board, leadership, and staff to guide our work over the next three years. The plan affirms our identity and mission, expresses our vision and core values, and sets clear objectives to strengthen them. Seven strategic areas of emphasis focus our work in a way that equips us to navigate a dynamic social services landscape that is brimming with both challenges and opportunities.

Archdiocesan Support

The Archdiocese of Louisville is the largest non-governmental supporter of Catholic Charities, contributing in-kind support as well as an annual contribution of cash to underwrite agency operations (in FY 2022, just under $1 million). The support the Archdiocese provides comes from various sources, and a significant portion is raised through the annual Catholic Services Appeal. The CSA supports numerous other programs around the Archdiocese, and it makes the work of Catholic Charities possible. We are grateful for your support of the CSA.

Formerly Guidestar.